Kira is a Brooklyn born content creator, traveler, runner and marketer. She has a passion for wellness and making both wellness and travel more inclusive.
This morning, that's the time when I do my best thinking.
I value my commitment and resilience. Like most people, I've run into challenges in life, especially in the past couple of years, dealing with grief, the pandemic and large life shifts, but continuing to push forward is something I'm proud of.
Wellness purchases. Wellness is truly about filling up your cup and that can be as simple as taking a walk or a few deep breaths. I love my wellness goodies as much as the next person but wellness doesn't have to cost anything.
Filling up your cup until it overflows, so you can pour out (show up) for others.
It's important! I'm drinking a glass now! Hydration is especially key.
I'd love to be a lot better about reading and winding down during the evenings.
Five minute journal, an energy drink, comfy sneakers, a protein snack, and matcha latte
This is tough, I feel like it's when I do my best thinking. I've come to some great conclusions around my wedding in the shower. Decided I want to do some fun custom napkins!