Jolie is a beauty wellness company that purifies your water for better skin, hair, and wellbeing. Water is our lens.. of course, as it relates to our skin and hair, but we also love to explore the connection of water to all else that we love in life. Art, food, drink, leisure, the environment, movement, music, culture. Our relationship to water is all around us.

Meet Water &, a short series of vignettes, each exploring the connection of water to an aspect of culture.



with Joe Henry Baker

Joe Henry Baker is a dear friend who produces beautiful paintings that explore light and movement in abstract form. Joe’s preferred technique is called ‘alla prima’ (also known as wet on wet), in which layers of paint are applied on top of layers of each other before they dry… which means the work must be done quickly and often in one sitting. We love how this way of working lends itself to ‘chance and control’ in which the work is unpredictable and experimental, evolving as the paint dries and settles. 

Water is fundamental to painting — as it’s the delivery mechanism that carries the pigment in paint to the surface of what’s being painted on — the canvas, the wall, the fabric. We spent a morning with Joe on the beach as he used the ocean water to both mix his paint and to apply on top of the canvas as he produced two beautiful works. 

Water played a role in more ways than one: The salinity of the ocean water had an impact on the painting itself, creating a crystallization effect as the work dried, and Joe’s ’studio’ became the empty, freeing beach, his movements influenced by the waves before him.




Mike Martinsen is an oyster farmer and Founder of the Montauk Shellfish Company and the Montauk Pearl Oyster Farm. Oysters are natural water filters. They feed themselves by pumping water through their grills, trapping particles, sediment, and other contaminants. In doing so, they play a fundamental role in keeping the ocean and sea water clean and full of life. 

We love them.

We spent the day with Mike at his various oyster farm locations in Montauk, tracing the journey of an oyster from a seed to being shucked and slurped down and enjoyed. 




Cynthia Rowley is not only one of America’s established fashion designers, but also a talented and dedicated surfer. Water is, of course, integral to surfing. Cynthia’s work week schedule — like quite a few of us — is hectic, to-the-minute, and with little room to just “be.” Her time in the water on the weekends is a chance to relax and let her mind wander. According to Cynthia, water is "pure joy."

We agree.

Join us as we spend the morning with Cynthia in the ocean just a stone’s throw outside her home in Montauk as she cruised around in her beautiful Cynthia Rowley designed wetsuit. 



with Esben Piper of La Cabra

Esben Piper is the founder and creator behind the renowned Danish coffee company, La Cabra. A modern coffee company established in Aarhus, Denmark in 2012 aiming to offer something new and provide outstanding coffee experiences, that has since opened multiple doors in Denmark, New York, and most recently, a location in Muscat, Oman.

Water is fundamental to the making of your favorite cup of coffee. Water quality and filtration play vital roles in finding the right mineral balance sought after to extract a roast well and achieve a beautifully balanced cup.

We spent the evening with Esben, the founder of La Cabra at their Soho location in New York, as he demonstrated the delicate relationship between water quality, minerality, temperature and the coffee beans he has carefully sourced from across the globe to create the clean, bright cups they aim for with every pour.



Pizza dough is made up of four ingredients — water, flour, yeast, & salt. The conditions of the water play a vital roll in the success of the dough.

To learn more about the role water plays in pizza, we spent the day with Paulie Gee, the founder of Paulie Gee’s and Paulie Gee’s Slice Shop here in New York. Paulie shared the story of starting Paulie Gee’s, walked us through the pizza making process, and showed us how water quality and hydration levels are a critical part in achieving the perfect pizza.



with Helen Levi

Water is fundamental to the art and craft of ceramics. Water is what allows the clay to be manipulated, molded, and for art to be formed. The right amount of water is also important — too much and the clay will lose its strength, too little and the clay will not take shape. We love the form-giving role that water plays here.

To explore this water & ceramics connection further, we recently spent the day with Helen Levi at her studio in Ridgewood, Queens where she creates her beautiful mugs, cups, plates, bowls, and tiles. She walked us through the simple yet integral role water plays in the process of working on the wheel.