Does Dry Shampoo Cause Hair Loss? 5 Tips to Reverse Hair Loss From Dry Shampoo

Uncover if dry shampoo causes hair loss & expert tips to combat it. Get science-backed advice for healthy hair maintenance with Jolie.

Dry shampoo can be a real lifesaver on busy days where you simply don’t have the time for a full wash, condition, and style. Dry shampoo can typically be found in sprays or powders and is really an ultimate time-saver, which leaves no mystery as to why it has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years. There is a potential downside, though—many people believe that the use of dry shampoo can lead to or accelerate hair loss, due to clogged follicles which can starve and choke your hair, leading to increased rates of shedding. The topic is hotly debated, so read on to find out if you should worry.

Understanding Dry Shampoo

In essence, dry shampoo works by absorbing excess oil and grease to leave your hair looking and feeling clean, fresh, and smelling its best. The purpose of dry shampoo is to give you an easy and borderline instant alternative to a traditional hair wash for instances when you are simply too slammed to devote the time required. 

Myth or Reality: Does Dry Shampoo Cause Hair Loss?

Drumroll please…….. No. Dry shampoo does not cause hair loss. In fact, according to this Healthline article, “There isn’t any research that indicates dry shampoo directly causes hair loss. However, studiesTrusted Source do show that poor scalp health can cause hair loss.” Basically, if you take care of your hair and scalp, there is no reason for you to worry about your use of dry shampoo, so long as it is done in moderation with proper care in between. There are a few things you can do in addition to caring for your hair and scalp with specific regard to dry shampoo that can also mitigate any potential damage. For instance, when you apply your dry shampoo, do your best to localize it to your hair and avoid applying directly to the scalp. If any accumulation does occur, do your best to redistribute it throughout your strands of hair so that it doesn’t actually build up around your follicles. This could, in theory, result in the worsening of an underlying condition that is already causing your hair thinning, but, again, dry shampoo used in moderation is in no way directly linked to hair loss causation.

Other Factors Contributing to Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, the most common of which are genetic predisposition and tension alopecia. Other factors that are considered accelerants for hair loss are not necessarily causes, but improving your lifestyle and self-care routine can absolutely help reduce the rate at which your hair frees itself from your scalp against your wishes. If you;re genetically predisposed, using every method you can is your best bet at holding onto your hair once you notice the first signs of hair loss.

Tips to Minimize Hair Loss from Dry Shampoo

1: Proper Application Techniques

Again, when applying your dry shampoo, take extra special care. This stuff can really work wonders for a busy person on the go, but a buildup or accumulation of the product can have some negative effects that are not necessarily unique to dry shampoo. As with any product, if it is not properly cleaned from your scalp (which is insulated from the outside world by a layer of hair), it can build up and cause irritation, itching, and even increased rates of hair thinning. As previously mentioned, try to localize the dry shampoo to your actual hair, and don’t spray directly onto your roots/scalp. One of the easiest ways to ensure this prevention method is to hold your spray can at least six inches from your head, allowing for a broader and more even dispersion of product through your hair that will not penetrate deeply.

2: Choosing the Right Dry Shampoo for Your Hair Type

This tip should be fairly straightforward and easy, as most dry shampoos are formulated and marketed towards specific needs to make your search as easy as possible. There are formulas for dry hair, oily hair, flat hair, curly hair, volumizing formulas, and more. Some companies even make plant-based dry shampoos to give your product a natural touch. Just make sure to take the time to consider your needs and hair type before you just grab a bottle off the shelf at random. Also take the time to consider fragrances and any sensitivities you might have—don’t fill your hair with lavender scented dry shampoo if you’re allergic to lavender! Having an allergic reaction on your scalp can lead to some really annoying complications for someone who is trying to stay on top of their hair game.

3: Regular Scalp Care Routine

Your scalp is a delicate ecosystem that requires care, nurturing, and cleaning. Too much oil can leave your hair flat and greasy, where too little oil can result in frizzy, dead hair that sticks out in all directions. Treat yourself to a scalp treatment! Oil treatments using natural carrier oils (like jojoba oil, olive oil, or even coconut oil) can be an incredible way to give your scalp a nice rubdown while simultaneously nourishing and moisturizing your scalp. Once you’ve applied the oil thoroughly and evenly to your whole scalp, allow it to sit for about thirty minutes, then wash out thoroughly and condition as normal. This will help nourish and even stimulate your follicles, as well as prevent any flakiness or dryness that your scalp may be experiencing. It can also help increase blood flow to your follicles, making for stronger hair.

4: Limiting Frequency of Dry Shampoo Use

Again, this tip should be pretty easy. Life is busy, but it’s important that you prioritize your hair and scalp health over their appearance, as you can’t have one without the other. By limiting your dry shampoo use and caring for your hair and scalp properly in between uses, dry shampoo can be a great tool to keep in the bathroom at crunch time. Overuse can indeed have adverse effects, so think twice before you reapply.

5: Incorporating Filtered Showerheads into Your Haircare Routine

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about buildups on the scalp, and regardless of whether or not you use dry shampoo, this could already be happening to you. Unfiltered municipal water, while safe for human consumption in most places, can still be host to contaminants that are detrimental to your hair and scalp health. These contaminants include, but are not limited to, hard water minerals like calcium and magnesium, dissolved metals like iron or rust, and chemicals like chlorine. Dissolved solids can form invisible layers and buildup on your scalp and around your follicles, leading to irritation, itchiness, and eventually choking the life out of your hair by the root. Chemicals like chlorine, while safe for human consumption in measured doses to sanitize local water supplies, can strip your hair and scalp of their nourishing, protective oils, leaving you exposed and open to damage and dryness.

By using easy, convenient tools like the Jolie Filtered Showerhead, you can stop these processes before they ever get the chance to touch your skin. Ranked #1 in hair care by, the Jolie Filtered Showerhead essentially eliminates all foreign contaminants from coming in contact with your skin, which totally cancels out the possibility of a buildup on your skin and scalp. 

Empower Your Haircare with Jolie

The bottom line is that dry shampoo is a wonderful tool for those on the go, and there is little to no evidence of detrimental effects if it is used properly. In order to effectively wash all of the remnants out of your hair and scalp, your best bet is the Jolie Filtered Showerhead, which uses optimized water pressure to completely eliminate the possibility of foreign contaminants in your shower water. If there’s nothing but water in your water, then your dry shampoo residue doesn;t stand a chance either! Take the plunge today and treat yourself to the best personal investment you’ll make all year: the Jolie Filtered Showerhead.

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